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Memory verse:   

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count

 slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should

 perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

  • 2Pet. 3:9.

Scriptures make us to understand that we serve the God of speed. This is vividly presented at the beginning during creation; everything God declared were brought into reality instantly Gen. 1:3-24. The notion that God is sure but can be slow in delivery is a misconception and satanic. The mission of this is to deceive the believer to seek for alternatives that promise a quick fix.

God is a God of speed because He is light 1Jn. 1:5. And light is known as the reference for speed, it is the reason for the statement ‘as fast as the speed of light’. One major reason why many believers don’t experience God as the God of speed is because they lack the understanding of how, or fail to do what it takes to invoke His nature of speed Psa. 91:14. We established from scriptures that the prayer of faith is the scriptural way to experience the God of speed Lk. 18:1,7-8. Therefore, for every promise of God that we present on the prayer altar with faith, stirs God to deliver speedily Gen. 24:12-15.

We began yesterday on this subject to examine examples from scriptures on the manifestation of God as the God of speed. Our mission is to establish the truth that God is the God of speed and learn how to invoke Him to speed through the prayer altar.

Scriptural Examples of the God of Speed at Work.

  1. Elijah’s experience of God as the God that answer by fire 1Kgs. 18:21-24,37-38.

Elijah believed in God as the God of speed, who is not slow to respond to things. And I believe this was what made him to demand that they prove the true God by His response to their demand, ‘the God that answers by fire, let him be God’ 1Kgs. 18:24. Elijah’s expectation was high, and expectation is God’s wisdom to invoke divine intervention Pro. 24:13-14. 2Chr. 20:3-24. So bible record has it that before Elijah finished praying, the fire of God fell.

Remember that God has spoken concerning us this year, He said He will make the highest average Sunday attendance of the church since the year 2015 to become doubled, and the total number of home-cell as at the end of 2020 double also. It is therefore no big deal to see God do these on or before May 2nd 2021.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, give us the heathen in Calabar as our inheritance in this assembly and the utmost part of this land as our possession, thereby making the double attendance prophetic word to come to speedy fulfillment Psa. 2:8.


Ask God to show you what to do to experience the speedy delivery of His prophetic word for the year in your life.

Priestly Blessings.

From this day, God shall manifest Himself as the God of speed in your life!

I decree every delay and stagnation in your life comes to an end today!


  • Christine S. Theophilus 09-03-2021

    Amen and Amen!

    • admin 13-03-2021

      You are blessed daughter!

  • Sunny Otaba 09-03-2021

    Thank you Dad for exploring and giving a better understanding of the God of Speed. God bless you Sir

    • admin 13-03-2021

      Appreciate your followership sir. Be blessed.

  • Jonathan Arabome 09-03-2021

    Amen and Amen. Thank you so much sir for this wonderful insight.

    • admin 13-03-2021

      You are blessed sir.

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