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What is wisdom?

Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do from the word, and doing it Matt. 7:24-25.  In every situation in life, there are two (2) options; doing the right thing or the wrong, one can’t be neutral. When one refuses to do anything, one indirectly is doing the wrong thing. It is doing the right thing that guarantees the delivery of desired results. One cannot do the wrong thing and ever expect to have the right result. An individual may have done many things about his desired change of story, if the desired result is not achieved, it might be ‘just one thing is missing’ Mk. 10:17,19-21.  When it is from scriptures that we discover what to do concerning any issue of interest, the guarantee we have is that when obeyed, it will invoke God’s creative power to deliver our desired result Pro. 3:9; Jn. 21:5-6.

Biblical Wisdom for Successful Parenting.

Successful parenting is vital in life because it secures the future, both for the parent and especially the children Pro. 22:6; 1Sam. 22:2; 2Sam. 23:8-12.

Case Studies.

i) Abraham gained his friendship with God, one major secret is through successful parenting Gen. 18:17-18.

ii) Eli the high priest did not take responsibility in training his children; he lost the ministry and his two sons in one day 1Sam. 2:22-25,31-34; 4:17-18.

iii) Samuel the prophet, whose word never fell to the ground, failed in parenting and this terminated the reign of priesthood in Israel 1Sam. 3:19; 8:1-3,4-7.

What are the Scriptural Wisdom for Successful Parenting?

  1. Accept the covenant responsibility to train your children in the right way to go Pro. 22:6.

A child not trained today will tear the parent tomorrow. To train a child means to teach new skills, shape, give necessary preparation so that the child will reach the standard required for life.

  • Take the responsibility to give timely instruction, correction and rebuke to your children Pro. 4:11-13; 8:17-21; Eccl. 3:1-2.

Scriptures says there is ‘foolishness’ in every child, it is through correction that it is driven out Pro. 22:15. These must be given appropriately and timely, in order to secure them from destruction.

  • Be conscious in sowing good seeds into their lives today Gen. 8:22; Pro. 31:25-28; Gal. 5:7-9.

The basic rule that controls life in the earth is seed time and harvest. Our thoughts and words to our children are seeds, and they create the future they will experience. God’s servant, Pst Enoch Adeboye, G.O. RCCG’s testimony; though from very poor background, but his mother kept saying to him ‘you shall be so great that when you issue a command, thousands will always respond to you. Today, we are witnesses to the reality of this successful parenting in his life.

  • We must be spiritual in order for our children to turn out spiritual Gen. 1:24-25; 1Cor. 3:1-3.

If the desire for our children is life and peace, then we must raise them to be spiritual Rms. 8:5-6. But in life, like only beget like. In essence, only spiritually robust parents can produce spiritually vibrant children Acts 3:6. Spirituality means to have one’s mind continually filled and controlled by thoughts of God and of His kingdom.

  • We must consciously be examples to our children 1Cor. 11:1; Phil. 3:17; 1Tim. 4:12.

Children will become more of what we do, than what we tell or instruct them. This is even if we hide doing it openly for them to see. In essence, our person and lifestyle is what our children will often reproduce as their lifestyle. If we desire to have well-mannered, God-fearing children, then we must choose to be an example of that to them.

In conclusion, when we succeed at parenting, in all probability we will succeed in all other areas of life. Successful parenting is a function of our choice, the choice to walk in the wisdom for it. In case, you don’t have the privilege of godly parental background, you can make the choice to give it to your children. By this, you will erase the mistakes of your parents in your life.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me.”


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the grace to walk in the wisdom of God for successful parenting from today, thereby securing my future and that of my children in greatness 1Cor. 15:10.


  • Jonathan Arabome 08-03-2021

    Welcome back sir. Thank you so much for the constant sensitisation.

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