“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
“For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh
reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall
of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
We belong to a kingdom that operates by laws, and they are the believers guarantee to the realities of kingdom promises Rms. 8:1-2. One of the fundamental laws, is the law of continuity Gal. 6:9; Matt. 24:13; Hab. 2:3.
What Does Continuity Mean?
What makes Continuity Vital?
Continuity is the rule for excellence in sports; you can become an Olympic gold medallist with exercise only once a while.
In the military, continuous training is key to win battles and emerge eventually as a 5-star general.
In farming, continuous engagement in care of the seed and growth of the plant is what will result in great harvest.
One must be commitment to the end to qualify for the reward.
Each one has the responsibility to fill his cloud, and this is by one’s investments. Being consistent makes ones cloud to fill up in good time.
Areas that Continuity is Expected in the Kingdom.
Walk with God means one’s personal relationship with God. This is the first thing to be consistent within a believer’s kingdom life.
Love for God is a choice, but has to be renewed if it will be consistent.
We must keep feeding on God’s word and practice of same in order to maintain God’s life in us.
The prayer altar is the place of fellowship with God, where we renew the life of God in us. And fasting is the platform for keeping the flesh under control. When we remain committed to the life of prayer and fasting, we keep ourselves on fire for God.
This is in soul winning and establishment, engagement of our time, skill and energy towards the growth of the church.
We must be resilient in our giving for God and humanity, to keep experiencing the flow of abundance.
We must remain strong in our hatred for sin and love for righteousness. We must never get to a point that we let down our guard on the standard of holiness in our walk with God.
In conclusion, Abraham met with God at 75, and was committed till he died at 175 years Gen. 12:1-4; 25:8. This was a consistent, continuous walk with God for 100 years. Enoch met with God at 65, and walked with God till he dies at 365 years Gen. 5:21-23. This is 300 years of unbroken walk with God. It will be too early for any of us to be feeling tired, weary or discouraged in our walk with God at this stage. I decree the grace of God to remain consistent and committed to the end is released on you right now!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I make the choice to maintain an unbroken walk with you and commitment in my engagements till my time on earth is over Psa. 92:13-14.