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Memory verse:   

“And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the LORD.”                         Jer. 30:21.

We have established from scriptures that the move of God is referred to as revival Zph. 3:17-20; Acts 2:1-4. The move of God has two (2) major impacts; to begin with is the expansion of God’s kingdom, furthermore is the supernatural enlargement of the believer Acts 2:2-6,46-47; Jer. 30:19-21. But it is engagement and commitment to the demands of revival that makes the believer to partake of the blessings of revival.  The demand of revival is engagement in kingdom advancement endeavor 2Chr. 15:7-8.

Scriptural understanding to maximize a revival.

  1. Every move of God is a platform for the supernatural prosperity of the church.

The scriptures show us that when God moves, everything is shaken Hag. 2:5-7. The end result is the outpouring of God’s glory and wealth upon His people, and this means the church.

  1. Every move of God is a platform for the rise of giants.

The scriptures makes us to understand that who one walks with will determine what becomes of the individual eventually Pro. 13:20; Psa. 1:1. In essence, when God moves and the believer moves along with Him, he stands the benefit of emerging at the level of the stature of God, a giant in life Jer. 30:19-21; Dan. 12:3.

The way to move along with God as He moves is to seek Him and the interest of His kingdom Hag. 2:4-8. Remember, the scriptures say when we seek God and His kingdom first, we are not permitted to lack any good thing in life Mat. 6:33; Exo. 23:25-27.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for kingdom advancement engagement in this post-resurrection season, thereby positions me for the blessings of the season Acts 1:8.


Go for new souls for Christ, also prepare all your converts for church service tomorrow.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I see minimum of ten (10) new souls following you to church tomorrow!

Every of your converts for this year shall become established in the faith and this church!


  • Phil U Tongbe 21-04-2024


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