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Memory verse:   

“And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,”

“Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”                                                                                        Acts 2:46-47.

A revival is the outpouring of the Spirit of God in the midst of God’s people or among men in way never experienced before Acts 2:1-3. In essence, every revival is a move of the Holy Spirit, and it is ultimately to move God’s people forward in life Isa. 32:15. Just like every other benefit of the kingdom with the condition to experience it, faithful and fruitful stewardship is what qualifies a believer to enjoy the benefit of a revival Lk 19:17-19.

The benefits of committing to a revival?

  1. Every move of the Spirit is a platform for outbreak of favor.

When revival broke out at Pentecost, the believer’s were engaged in daily prayer. And the outcome was divine favor from all people Acts 2:46-47.

  1. Every move of God is a platform for supernatural supplies for the saints.

The scriptures show clearly that when the Spirit of God broke out at Pentecost, the entire church was free of poverty and lack Acts 2:44-45.


  1. He that reaps receives wages, as he gathers fruit unto eternal life.

A sure way to become beneficiary of the aforementioned benefits is to commit to reaping the harvest into the kingdom Jn, 4:35-36.

Jesus is Lord!


Father by the power of the Holy Spirit, multitude shall be turned to God and established in the kingdom through me in this revival season Acts 1:8.


Locate a harvest field to explore for souls into the kingdom for this season.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The on-going revival shall not elude your life!

Receive the grace for tireless commitment to the on-going revival now!


  • Abraham OSSAI 19-02-2024

    Just a quick one,I use to think I was wasting my time coming to church daily until light broke out from this verse Acts 2:46-47.
    Thank you sir for making the Christian journey simple

    • admin 20-02-2024

      Wow! To God be the glory for the impact of His word.
      Tks sir for the feedback.

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