By redemption, the believer is ordained for supernatural wealth 1Cor. 8:9; Rev. 5:12. But the believer must have the necessary foundation in order to experience it Psa. 11:3; 1Cor. 3:9-10. The Truth about the Covenant of Financial Fortune. This is to all tribes and tongues across the nations of the earth, while we await the […]
The believer has the heritage of financial fortune in Christ 2Cor. 8:9; Rev. 5:12. But the believer needs to have the required foundation experience it Psa. 11:3; 1Cor. 3:9-10. The Truth about the Covenant of Financial Fortune. God’s agenda for the last days is to build the end-time church, when churches will be turned into […]
Understanding is the bedrock on which everything in life, particularly God’s kingdom work Psa. 119:144; Pro. 21:16. We have great inheritance in the kingdom, things that Christ by His death and resurrection has obtained for the believer to enjoy Acts 20:32. One of these heritages is financial fortune Rev. 5:12; 2Cor. 8:9. Every heritage in […]