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Memory verse:   

“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch

 to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. “

“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it

 plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. “

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak,

 and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it

 will not tarry. “

  • Hab. 2:1-3.

From the understanding of scriptures, life is a race that demands commitment of running to experience fulfillment Heb. 12:1-2; 1Cor. 9:24. Every vision or assignment of God is a race that only those who run with the vision will make a success of it Hab. 3:1-3. And the end of every race in the kingdom is designed to be great and glorious Job 8:7; Eccl. 7:8. Naaman was cleansed of his leprosy only after the seventh dip in Jordan 2Kgs. 5:9-14. Remember, we have been on this race of the ‘Midst of the Year’ prophetic season tagged by the Holy Ghost as ‘Operation By All Means’ Hab. 3:1-2. This week is the last of the season; it means a lot to everyone with spiritual understanding.

Remember, the prophetic word for the season is that this assembly shall minimum double her highest monthly average Sunday attendance since wonder-double agenda began in 2015. Also, the long standing issues of concern in every life shall be supernatural cleared off. But there is the way everyone that loves to experience the end of season blessing must walk. This is the focus of our teachings this week. I believe today’s teaching shall be a great blessing to you again.

How to Walk to make the End Speak?

  1. We must refuse to fall to the temptation of being anxious Php. 4:6-7.

The natural thing for men is to begin to entertain anxiety at the end of a season like this, especially when it appears one’s expectation is does not appear to be in sight. This is the enemy’s strategy to rob the believer of the blessing ordained for the end of the season. We must remind ourselves that unlike man, God does not need time to accomplish anything. A task that will demand 1,000 years can be reduced to a day with God 2Pet. 3:8. Therefore, one week is more than enough for the full delivery of Operation By All Means in this church and your life. Don’t be anxious for anything!

  • We must stagger at the prophetic word for us to enjoy its fulfillment Rms. 4:20.

One major requirement of scriptures for the believer to take delivery of whatever God has said is, to remain steadfast in one’s confidence in God. When we lose our grip on God’s word, we allow the enemy to rob us of its fulfillment. The proof that we are holding to God’s word is our doing what the word demand of us Jms. 2:18-22. The right action for us now is intense engagement in kingdom advancement prayers and reaching to souls for their salvation. Therefore, keep holding on to what God has spoken concerning the season to the final end.

The truth is that God’s word cannot fail. If God has said it, we have the assurance that it will come to pass as He has said and within the time He has promised. We must only remain committed to keep our walk strong in the covenant.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to walk in your way, thereby resulting in the full delivery of Operation By All Means in this church and every individual life Hab. 2:3.


Locate an environment that the people need Jesus, and plant a home-cell there before this week is over.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive fresh grace to yet take territories for Jesus before this prophetic season is over!

The blessings of this prophetic season shall be fully evident in your life this week!


  • Wilson Ichado 27-07-2021

    Eternal Amen

  • Christine S. Theophilus 27-07-2021

    Amen and Amen!

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