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A revival is here!

More than Conqueror greetings.

Glory be to God for the move of God that we are witnessing right here at LFC SHQ Calabar. Every revival is characterized with the strange acts of God, these have become our experience in strong dimensions, and particularly since the year 2022 began. The following testimonies allude to this:

“I was jobless and squatting with a friend. Last week I decided to engage in outreach after hearing diverse testimonies, and I followed up on my converts. I got 19 people in my outreach, only one came to church and I thanked God for that one person. On Friday of the new week, I got a call for a contract; this landed me in a monthly paying job in dollar. I am here to praise God for His goodness. Indeed God of Matthew 6:33 has showed up on my behalf.” Bro. Emmanuel

I have come to return all glory to God. On Tuesday after choir rehearsal, I went to the market to get food stuff for dinner. The taxi I boarded back home from the market, I didn’t know were kidnappers inside. The driver suddenly began to speed and kept driving, he passed the bypass. Shortly then, three of the passengers brought out gun, pointed it at the remaining three of us and asked to stay mute or risk being killed. I reminded God that I am lust coming from His presence where I went to serve Him. At that moment we were approaching a Police Van, as a result they tried to hide their gun. Next thing was a gunshot, one of them said; “O boy I don shoot myself”. I saw blood flowing in the car; they opened the car door and barked on us to get down in order for them to quickly escape. This was how the God of this commission rescued me, I have come to tell this God thank you.” – Ndifereke B.

Remember, every revival is also ordained for the supernatural growth of the church Acts 2:1-6,41. This is why I say that the 4-level dimension of growth for this prophetic season here at LFC SHQ Calabar is a done-deal!

We have less than two (2) weeks left in the on-going operation. This is more than enough for us to see God deliver the prophetic target for the season. We have labored to get this far, we cannot be weary at this point and miss out on the rewards that is prepared for us. All hands must be on deck; the District Ministers and assistants are to drive their districts in prayer and soul winning to see every member deliver the minimum one soul for this week at the Saturday WSF and Sunday service. The evening gospel raid should be maximized towards this in all districts. I charge every pastor to actively engage, no one should make himself a spectator. None of us shall miss out on this strange wave that has hit our shore in the name of Jesus.

The good news is that our God shall surprise us as a church and individuals next Sunday, with the prophetic fulfillment of the 4-level of growth and change. Therefore, every pastor should get excited; we are in our season and a very strange one. Be blessed!

Adeolu Adewumi (SP, CRS).

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