Categories: Spiritual Growth

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Categories: Spiritual Growth

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Knowing the reason for doing something usually helps motivate one to pursue that thing with greater intensity Pro. 29:18.

In essence, understanding the need for spiritual growth will empower our commitment to experiencing it.

What are the reasons a Christian must subscribe to spiritual growth?

  1. Spiritual Growth is the Pathway to Full-blown Kingdom Life.

We must understand that the believer is ordained to be a tree of righteousness Isa 61:3; 3:1,7.

At salvation, the believer receives a seed 1Jn. 3:9; 1Pet. 1:23.

At salvation, the believer’s behavior is at the seed level.

The seed has potential, but it is the tree that offers diverse benefits to humanity – providing carbon dioxide, food, shade, wood etc.

The only process by which the seed can become a tree is the growth Mk 4:26-29; 1Pet 1:23.

When the believer subscribes to spiritual growth, he is transformed from a seed to a tree, positioning him to deliver all the potentials within him.

If a believer is not experiencing the fullness of the kingdom or abundant life, he needs to experience spiritual growth.

  1. Spiritual Growth is Key to Fruitfulness.

The believer is commanded to bear fruit; it is in bearing fruit that he is identified as a true disciple, qualified for rewards Mat. 7:16; Jn, 15:16.

At salvation, the believer is a seed, as established in point 1, which must grow to become a tree in order to bear fruit Mk. 4:26-29.

In essence, spiritual growth is what enables the believer to bear fruit.

Fruit-bearing can be categorized into two (2) broad aspects; the fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5:22-23, and winning the lost to Christ Jn. 15:16.

  1. Spiritual Growth Determines the Believer’s Spiritual Capacity.

Scriptures teach that the believer can do all things; by reason of Christ in him Php. 4:13.

It is through spiritual growth that believer reaches a realm where he has capacity to do all things.

In this realm, the believer is so resourceful that he is sought after by all men.

  1. Spiritual Growth Defines the Level of Spiritual Authority.

By reason of new birth, the believer is entitled to exercise dominion on the earth Gen. 1:28.

However, authority is conferred only on sons, not children or immature adults Isa. 9:6.

Who is a child? From scriptures, children are characterized by:

  • Indiscipline Ecc. 10:16.
  • Lacks of understanding 1Cor. 13:11.

When the believer finds himself a victim of the forces of life, it is simply an indication of the need for growth Gal. 4:1-3.

  1. Spiritual Growth Provides Access to Our Inheritance.

Inheritances are not given to children, but to sons Gal. 3:1-2.

The believer has great and precious promises, when accessed these produce abundant life 2Pet. 1:4; Eph. 1:3; Jn. 10:10.

No one can access his inheritance as a baby in Christ, it takes a son to come into the inheritance of the kingdom.

The more of spiritual growth experiences, the more the believer will gain access to the inheritance ordained for him in Christ.

In conclusion,

Often, the challenge with people in life is not with God, the devil, or any satanic agent.

It is a lack of acceptance of responsibility, either they have yet to make the choice for salvation or embrace the tasks essential for spiritual growth.

The question is; What must I do to experience spiritual growth?


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