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by admin

“But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” 2Pet. 3:18
The birth of a new born brings joy and celebration in the home.
Every parent is glad holding their baby in their hands, watching the baby kick with tiny limbs.
As exciting and thrilling the experience of having a baby is – holding and playing with the baby – no the parent wants the baby to remain as a baby.
The joy of parenthood lies in seeing the baby grow, SO IT IS WITH GOD AND THE BELIEVER.
It is our growth that pleases God!
When the believer doesn’t reflect the expected growth, their life is no longer pleasing to God.
Misconception About Spiritual Growth.
Spiritual growth is easily misconstrued in the following ways.
- Duration in the Church: How long one has been in the Church or born again.
- Active level: How active one is in the Church and religious activities like church service attendance, prayer engagement, Bible study etc. While these activities may accompany spiritual growth, they are not definitions of it.
- Title or Position: The title or position one occupies in the Church.
Case Study: Jesus our Perfect Example – Heb. 12:1.
Jesus was born a child like us, He has to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually to become the Christ before God could present Him as His Son to the world.
Let’s look at the stages of Jesus’ life and His growth experience.
- Jesus was given birth to in a manger Lk. 2:6-7.
- At age 12, Jesus demonstrated a clear understanding of His assignment on the earth, yet God could not present Him to men as a Son as of the moment. Why? He had yet to grow into the maturity expected Lk. 2:41-49.
- Consider how He handled the situation after worship in Jerusalem. Jesus stayed back in Jerusalem after the worship, but did not inform His parents nor seek their permission. When His parents found Him after three (3) days of searching, worried about the “boy” Jesus, His response was “why were you seeking me”.
- He was in the temple sitting with the doctors, hearing and asking them questions Lk. 2:46. This was learning process, which will lead to growth.
- My take on it is that Jesus needed the growth process at this stage; He exhibited youthful exuberance without adequate discretion.
- Jesus experienced growth Lk. 2:40,52.
- It is worth noting the aftermath what Jesus did after their worship in Jerusalem.
- Jesus was subject to His parents, which would mean He submitted to their instruction and tutelage Lk. 2:51.
- Jesus increased in wisdom, and in favor with God and man, which I believer was a product of submitting to Hus parent’s tutelage Lk. 2:52.
- Prior to this time, He was filled with wisdom, but as He submitted to His parents’ tutelae, He increased in wisdom and favor, to the point of becoming fit to be presented as the Son of God.
- God presented Him as His son to men Lk. 3:21-22; 9:35.
- At the time of God’s declaration Jesus was over 30 years of age, He has grown to maturity.
In conclusion,
- If Jesus who is God personified in human flesh would not evade growth on the earth.
- Every believer must understand spiritual growth is a must in order to enjoying a fulfilling Christina life.
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