Memory verse:
“Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.” Exo. 32:26.
In life God gives every man the choice of the side he desires to belong, this choice determines the outcome of his life Deu. 30:19. Prayer can’t alter the outcome of the side chosen. We have established that being on God’s side is the secret to an ever-winning experience in life 1Kgs. 18:21-22. It is important for every believer who desires to experience the glorious life to make the right choice and proof it with appropriate actions.
Biblical proofs of being on God’s side.
Kingdom stewardship refers to activities that advances God’s kingdom and growth of the church 1Cor. 3:6. When engagement in building God’s kingdom become the believer’s heartbeat, it shows he chosen to be on the Lord’s side Psa. 112:1-3. We build God’s kingdom doing the following; kingdom advancement prayer, soul winning and follow-up, financial engagement to see converts established etc.
Giants in scripture who were on God’s side made through passion for souls.
Nehemiah was a staff in the palace, but could not be still when he heard of the situation of Jerusalem Neh. 1:3-11. He demanded of the king to rebuild Jerusalem and the walls; this was at risk of his life Neh. 2:1-9. But it resulted in his emergence as the governor Neh. 5:14.
King Asa became the king of Judah at a time that the nation had drifted from God and was in crisis 2Chr. 15:3-6. He rebuilt the altars of God, and moved the nation back to serve God 2Chr. 15:7-14. The result was rest round about, and peace all through his reign 2Chr. 15:15,19.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, give me a new heart that is passionate for souls Ezk. 36:26.
Appraise your commitment to kingdom advancement, and review as necessary.
Priestly Blessings.
The grace of God for steadfastness in stewardship comes on you afresh now!
Whatever weakens your commitment in stewardship is cursed now!!
Betram Okpor 07-08-2024
The Lord is faithful
admin 07-08-2024
God bless you, sir.
Phil U Tongbe 07-08-2024
Emma Anosike 07-08-2024
Am blessed by this teaching. God will continue to bless and anoint you more, Sir. My question is this: What steps does one need to take in order to truly be on God’s side? Thank you, Sir.
admin 07-08-2024
Oh, praise God!
I am glad that you were blessed, sir.