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WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE? 060824 Pt. 2.

Memory verse:     

“Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”                          Exo. 32:26.

We have established from scriptures that there are basically two (2) sides in life Deu. 30:19. Every man on the earth belong to one of the sides per time, and the side to which a man belong has sealed what becomes his outcome in life. God’s side is the ever-winning side of life, and this was proven in the life of everyone that made the choice for God’s side in scriptures 1Kgs. 18:21-22; Num. 14:6-38.

Biblical proofs of being on God’s side.

  1. A lifestyle of passion for fellowship.

Fellowship here refers to the place where believers gather together to worship God, and to share their faith in Christ Heb. 10:25; 1Jn. 1:3,5. Any location where this takes place is identified in scriptures as a mysterious center, where God manifests Himself to men in unusual ways Mat. 18:19. Passion for fellowship is therefore a true mark of the believer who is on the Lord’s side Hag. 1:4-5.

Giants in scripture who were on God’s side made through passion for souls.

David was a die-hard for the place of fellowship. He had so much passion for fellowship that he faints when he does not go there. David would rather be a door keeper in the place of fellowship than live in his big house Psa. 84:1-11; 122:1-8.

  1. The early church,

The early disciples met daily in church and houses for fellowship Acts 2:46-47; 3:1. Among them were businessmen, career men, government officials etc. Yet they had the time for daily fellowship, no wonder that they that lacked nothing Acts 4:34.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, give me a new heart that is passionate for souls Ezk. 36:26.


Appraise your commitment and attendance in fellowship, and review it.

Priestly Blessings.                                       

Receive the heart that pant after the place of fellowship right now!

Whatever excuse the enemy has used to distant you from fellowship is taken off now!


  • , 06-08-2024


    • admin 06-08-2024

      You shall soon testify!

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