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Memory verse:     

“Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.”                            Psa. 35:27.

New birth initiates the believer into the kingdom of God as a citizen, which has the promise of great blessings Rms. 8:16-17; Jn. 10:10. Every child of God that will experience these blessings in reality must understand that our God is a God of covenant and a covenant keeper Psa. 89:34. Therefore, we need an understanding of the demands, and commit to them to see God’s blessings become real in our lives. The scriptures make us to understand that serving God is the vital requirement for access to all kingdom provisions Job 36:11; Mat. 6:33.

The provisions of God’s kingdom that serving God guarantees the delivery.

  1. We serve to be blessed.

God’s kingdom offers great blessings, which is the secret to the enviable life redemption promises Gal. 3:15-14; Pro. 10:22. In this kingdom, we do not beg to be blessed, we serve to be blessed Exo. 23:25-26. In essence, the more we give ourselves to serving God, the more we will experience kingdom blessing.

  1. We serve to enjoy promotion.

God’s kingdom offers unending promotion until the believer becomes an outstanding success Pro. 4:18; Mat. 5:13-14. But we do not beg to be promoted, we serve our way into promotion in God’s kingdom Lk. 19:17-19. As the believer commits to serving God, he is guaranteed to keep scaling new heights in life.

Therefore, we must understand that God is not looking for who to enslave by His commandment to the believer to serve Him Deu. 10:12. Rather, God is looking for who to enthrone Lk. 11:15-17; Dan. 12:3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace afresh for new level of commitment to kingdom service, thereby qualifying me to walk in kingdom blessings Zch. 4:7.


Make a new commitment to serve God, and specify the yardsticks to measure it.

Priestly Blessings.                                       

Receive fresh grace for new level of commitment to kingdom service now!

I decree the renewal of your strength for the pursuit of kingdom advancement from now!

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