Memory verse:
“Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.” Psa. 35:27.
From scriptures, we understand that our God is the “I AM THAT I AM”, He remains the same and does not change Exo. 3:14; Mal. 3:6. What we do for Him or don’t does not have effect on His person, status, power, and reign. The truth is that we are the one absolutely dependent on Him for every aspect of our lives Acts 17:28. The way to keep drawing from the life of God to sustain and enable us to maximize our life on the earth is by commitment to serving Him Job 36:11.
The benefits that accrue to the believer in serving God.
God loves the soul of man so much that He gave His only begotten Son to save man Jn. 3:16. The prove of our love for God is the willingness to go all the way to see souls saved Jn. 21:15-17. The love of God when validated in the believer ushers him into the pacesetting order of life 1Cor. 2:9.
From scriptures, we understand that serving God, particularly through soul winning, secures the manifestation of divine presence in the believer’s life Mk. 16:15-16,20. God’s presence empowers the believer to have command of the supernatural Acts 16:25-30; Psa. 114:1-8. When one is in command of the supernatural, everything in life will answer to him Heb. 11:3.
In essence, the choice to be committed to soul winning is the wisdom that will make the believer to maximize the abundant life that Christ offers. Among others, it will bring the believer into realms of earful favor with God Psa. 102:13-15; Mat. 6:33.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for productive and effective kingdom service in this prophetic season and beyond Acts 1:8.
Get on the field with your team, and get souls for Jesus.
Priestly Blessings.
The hand of God shall guide you to souls prepared for salvation today!
The Holy Spirit shall convict every one you speak to about Christ today!
Phil U Tongbe 15-08-2024