Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

by admin


Memory verse:     

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

“For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”                 Mat. 7:7-8.

One of the benefits of redemption is the command of answer on the prayer altar Mat. 7:7-11. This makes the Christian life interesting and enviable, the lack of answer to prayer makes Christianity burdensome Jms. 4:1-2. We must understand that answer to prayer is not automatic, redemption only makes the believer a candidate. There are vital requirements a believer must engage to become qualified for answer on the prayer altar.

The scriptural demands for guaranteed answer every time we pray.

  1. Engage praying in the Spirit.

Praying in the Spirit means to engage in prayer where the Holy Spirit helps the believer to pray Rms. 8:26.27; Eph. 6:18. This involves using the unknown language of the Holy Spirit to engage in prayer. Also, it is praying as the Holy Spirit inspires, guides, and instructs even as we pray with our understanding.

When we pray in the Spirit, we are praying according to the will of God, which commits Him to answer 1Jn. 5:14-15; Rms. 8:26-27. When we pray in the Spirit, we are on God’s private line in prayers, which guarantees audience with God and answer from Him 1Cor. 14:2,14-15. When we pray in the Spirit, we communicate in a way that the devil is cut off the discussion, hence cannot hinder the prayer 1Cor. 14:2.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the grace to comply with the demands for answered prayer, thereby commanding result in prayers from now 1Cor. 15:10


Pray in the unknown language of the Spirit minimum for 30 minutes at a stretch daily.

Priestly Blessings.                                       

On this fifth day of this spiritual adventure, you are coming forth with new light!

By the light of God, you are changing levels dramatically today!


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