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Welcome to Pastor Adeolu Adewumi’s Corner

Where Faith Meets Inspiration, Guiding Your Spiritual Journey with Words of Grace and God’s Love.

What We Believe

A Sanctuary of Faith, Wisdom, and Inspiration. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore God’s word, share profound insights, and nurture your faith. Let’s walk together in the light of His love, finding purpose and inspiration in every word.

What We Believe

Love is a key attribute in Christianity. The love of God is a prevalent concept both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Church History

We share God’s love in various ways in our homes, places of work, local community, and throughout the world.

What to Expect

When we speak of “worship,” we are referring to the life of congregation: attending worship services, creating music, honoring life.

Beliefs and History

Church life means faith, relationship, discipline, service, responsibilities of church leaders and members, and much more.

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Latest Sermons

Love is a key attribute in Christianity. The love of God is a prevalent concept both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Successful Vision, Purpose & Mission of

Our Congregations

Love is a key attribute in Christianity. The love of God is a prevalent concept both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

$ in donated projects

A Christian should live for the glory of God and the well-being of others.

Following Jesus, the Great One

Community Events

Love is a key attribute in Christianity. The love of God is a prevalent concept both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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Let the Mission Church direct your gifts to the places where they are needed most.

Let us to respond to immediate and changing needs at home and throughout the world.


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