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Memory verse:   

“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.”

  • Pro. 23:26.

The scriptures make us to understand that whatever has charge over your time, has your life Eph. 5:15-16; Col. 4:4-5. In essence, if one’s time is taken over with positive things, everything will be happening positively in the individual’s life and vice versa. Therefore, each man’s life is a function of his time usage; you are what you by the way you used your time yesterday. The truth is that there is a stiff battle on the time in believer’s life Eph. 5:16. This is why the bible instructs us to be wise with our time Psa. 90:12. The believer who will engage wisdom with his time is the one guaranteed success in life. To actualize our glorious destiny in the kingdom, we need the wisdom for time investment, essentially this is by giving God our time Eccl. 9:11.

Scriptural Examples of Giants who were product of wise usage of time.

  1. The example of David.

David was the eight son of Jesse, and a shepherd boy 1Sam. 16:10-11. God testified of David to be a man after His heart 1Sam. 13:14. David validated this testimony in the way he used his time, with God having the priority and charge of his daily schedule. He went to the temple to pray thrice daily Psa. 55:17. He went to worship in the temple seven thrice daily Psa. 119:164. He had the time to speak about his God to others without shame, and this was his way of life Psa. 119:46.  Remember, David was the king of the strongest nation of his days, it si like being the President of the strongest nation today. This means a busy daily schedule for him, yet he had the time for God and His kingdom. no wonder, he was turned from a little shepherd boy, who was disqualified all men even his biological father, to emerge the king of the strongest nation of his days. Also, he rose to be the greatest king the nation has ever had till date.

This is it; we need a heart for God to make the most of our lives on the earth 1Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22. With a heart for God, whatever that seems to be against your life will be turned to work for you good Rms. 8:28. But one cannot have time for God without making remarkable marks on the earth 2Sam. 18:3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I consecrate my time to you and empower me by your Spirit to be steadfast with my decision to the end Psa. 90:12.


Drop everything on your daily schedule that is not expedient, to give priority and greater time to God and the things of His kingdom henceforth.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the release of God’s wisdom for the best use of your time from now!

Your greatness shall emerge like the dawn of the morning!

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