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Memory verse:   

“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.”

  • Pro. 23:26.

Time is a fundamental asset on the earth and in the life of every man Psa. 90:12; Eph. 5:14-16. Time is the only resources that God gave man, and everyone was given equal amount of it, 24 hours per day. The truth is that the life of every man is a product of how he makes use of his time. A wise use of time is what will produce a successful life in the earth Col. 4:4-5. This is the baseline of many people’s failure, struggle and frustration, which they attribute to satanic attack out of ignorance. The scriptures teach us that the only way to make wise use of our time is to use it for God and the interest of His kingdom Psa. 31:15. This means having a daily schedule with God and His kingdom taking a prominent place, and making God to have absolute control of your time. Scriptures make us to understand that this is the way to make the most of one’s life on the earth.

Scriptural Examples of Giants who were product of wise use of time.

  1. The example of Job.

The scriptures present Job as a business magnate, and the greatest man in his days Job 1:3. A study of the life of Job shows a man that had God fill his daily schedule; every morning Job will gather his entire family to worship God as they make sacrifices Job 1:5. He was committed to serving God to the extent that God introduced him to Satan as ‘my servant’ Job 1:8-9. The summary of Job’s resume was ‘perfect and upright, one that feared God and eschewed evil’ Job 1:1. Job had the time to take care of the less privilege; which is recognized in scriptures as working for God Job 29:4-17. Even in Job’s time of challenge when he lost everything, his testimony was that he kept glued to God in all things Job 2:9-10. At the end, God turned the captivity of Job and made him to become twice his former status Job 42:10. All of these were because his heart was knit to God, which he demonstrated in the way he used his time for God.

The truth is that one cannot claim to have a heart for God without having time for Him.  We need a heart for God to fulfill our glorious destiny on the earth Psa. 34:10. In essence, one cannot have time for God without making strange marks on the Neh. 2:1-9; 4:23; 5:14.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I consecrate my time to you and empower me by your Spirit to be steadfast with my decision to the end Psa. 90:12.


Check for everything competing for your time with God, and strike them out of your life.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every time robber in your life is rooted out now and forever!

Grace for wise and profitable use of your time form now is released on your life!


  • Chioma Victor 16-08-2022

    Am so blessed by the teaching

    • admin 17-08-2022

      Praise God. I expect your amazing testimonies.

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