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Memory verse:   

“Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the

house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men

like a flock.” – Ezk. 36:37.

God ordained His church for continuous and unending growth, but the challenge is that many don’t know what it takes to experience this Pro. 4:18; Eccl. 10:15. We understand from scriptures that God has committed Himself to build His church to ensure her growth, but we have the responsibility to move God to work Matt. 16:18; 1Cor. 3:6. It is by the prayer of faith that we do this Lk. 18:1,7-8. This is why every church that desires to experience growth must subscribe to the demand of prayer investment Isa. 66:7-8.

Does this mean that we have to keep praying in order for us to keep experiencing the growth of the church? Can’t the initial prayer that we made be sufficient to keep the church growing thereafter? These are the questions we have focused to provide answer to in our teaching this week. But remember, church growth is vital because in the growth of the church is the glory of the people Jer. 30:19.

What makes Continuous Prayer vital for Continuous Church Growth?

  1. The Holy Spirit is the Lord of harvest, and will only manifest Himself to us through our prayers Matt. 9:37-38; Lk. 11:13.

The early church prayed and the Holy Spirit came down as a mighty-rushing wind, which resulted in the sudden growth of that church from 120 to 3,000 in one day Acts 2:1-6,37,41. Every time the church relaxed in prayer, her growth was threatened Acts. 4:14-17; 6:1-2. When they resumed to pray, the Holy Spirit will manifest and growth is always the outcome Acts 4:23-33; 6:4-7. This shows practically the need for our continuous engagement in prayer in order to keep experiencing the move of the Holy Spirit for continuous church growth. In prayer we make the Holy Spirit to keep blowing His whistle and blowing as a rushing-mighty wind, which will result in the drafting of multitudes into the church Isa. 5:26; Num. 11:31.

Scriptures makes us to understand that prayer is not fun but labor, and a spiritual one Lk. 22:44. And every labor delivers profit accordingly, with spiritual labor having the best of profits Pro. 14:23; 1Tim. 4:8. Therefore, everyone engaged in prayer for church growth should expect great rewards 1Cor. 3:8. Remember, the rewards of God is what makes life to be rich and delivers from every sorrow Pro. 10:22. Be blessed.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, baptize me afresh with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby empower for tireless engagement on the prayer altar for church growth from today Zch. 12:10


Pray for a new move of the Holy Spirit in the church that will result in the outbreak of revival in the land.

Priestly Blessings.                                                      

Receive now a fresh baptism of the fire of the Holy Spirit for the life of prayer!

God’s hand on your life shall become stronger by the day from today!

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