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Memory verse:   

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that HE IS A REWARDER OF THEM THAT DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM.”

  • Heb. 11:6.

Jesus gave a parable in scriptures popularly referred to as ‘the parable of the prodigal son’ Lk. 15:11-32. The elder son in this parable was faithful in serving the father, but never understood how to position himself for the delivery of the rewards due to him for serving. Hence, he never had any profit to which he was angry Lk. 15:25-29. The father’s response was highly revealing on the state of many believers, the father blamed it on the ignorance of the elder son Lk. 15:31. We have just concluded Operation Change of Story, which was a kingdom service-oriented prophetic mandate. God is not looking for who to use, rather who to bless Jn. 12:26. The challenge of many believers is lack of the understanding of steps to take for them to take full delivery of their due rewards.

Scriptural Responsibilities for full delivery of our rewards.

  1. We must be fully persuaded of our rewards.

It is only what one is persuaded of that he will have expectation for. The scriptures make us to understand that we are only entitled to partake of what we expect Pro. 23:18; 1Cor. 8:9-10. In essence, without an expectation for reward, the believer’s labor will be futile no matter how much he labors. Abraham is a good example, he was fully persuaded of God performing what He has promised, and he took delivery of God’s promise against all odds Isa. 51:1-3; Rms. 4:18-21.

  • We must ensure our new converts are regular in church services.

The only way new converts can remain in the faith is to be regular in fellowship Heb. 10:25. This is also the way the abundant life of Christ can become a reality in them, as they are fed with the word of God by anointed teaching priests Psa. 84:7; Jer. 3:15-16. We must therefore keep encouraging our converts to be in service, because until they are established our rewards may not be delivered.

No man works for God and return empty handed, but we must understand the demands to take full delivery of our rewards and apply ourselves to them.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace for correct positioning for the full delivery of my due reward Lk. 12:45-46.


Renew your commitment to kingdom advancement engagement, and review your strategy at it.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Be empowered by the Holy Spirit for fresh pursuit of the interest of God’s kingdom!

God by His reward shall turn your life into the envy of all!

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