Memory verse:
“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”
The scriptures make us to understand that God’s covenant is what keeps the day and night in continuous exchange, which nothing has been able to disrupt Jer. 33:20-21. In essence, when the believer steps into God’s covenant on anything, he has the guarantee of the delivery of whatever God has promised by that covenant 2Chr. 15:12,15. From scriptures, stewardship is the covenant platform for rewards and blessing Exo. 23:25-27. With covenant sense therefore, the believer is self-motivated in his kingdom service, which will result in undeniable rewards 1Cor. 15:58.
Covenant mentality that empowers for service of rewards.
The scriptures make it clear that God has His expectation on each believer on the result to deliver in his service Lk. 12:48. It is as we meet God’s expectation that we access our reward Jn. 15:8.
Everything in the kingdom works by faith; it is the foundation to all things 2Pet. 1:5-8. In essence, we must have unshakeable faith to generate the result that will grant us access to rewards in stewardship Rms. 4:16-21.
It is our result that determines our reward Lk. 19:179-19. But the scriptures make us to understand that there cannot be result or fruits without joy Joel. 1:11-12. Therefore, we must cultivate and maintain joy and rejoicing for us to deliver the result, which will secure our access to rewards Acts 26:22; Php. 1:18-28.
There is no one that serves God in vain, neither is there any investment we make for God that is a waste 1Cor. 15:58. We only need to understand the covenant stand that makes effort to deliver.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit to remain steadfast in my stewardship to the end Acts 1:8.
Decide to keep at serving God until your reward is delivered.
Priestly Blessings.
Your reward for your service to God shall be fully delivered before this season end!
Your life shall become the envy of all by reason of God’s reason in your life!