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The scriptures make us to understand that love for God is the most potent and strongest force on the earth 1Cor. 13:8,13. When the love of a believer for God is registered as genuine, he begins to operate with the greatest power that brings his in life into the realm of wonders 1Jn. 4:16-18; Eph. 3:17-19; 1Cor. 2:9; Mk. 10:27. Therefore,  no matter the situation of any one, when his love for God is proven and found true, everything turns for good in his life Rms. 8:28.

The Wonders of a Genuine Love for God.

  1. Genuine love for God triggers the power for supernatural wealth.

Anyone can become wealthy without playing games or cutting corners, simply by connecting with the power for wealth Deu. 8:18. Genuine love for God makes the believer to embrace giving as a lifestyle with delight, and this is the covenant that releases the power for wealth on believer 2Cor. 8:1-5,8-9.  In essence, love for God guarantees the believer’s access to the power for wealth 1Kgs. 3:3,13; Jn. 14:21,23.

  • Genuine love for God enhances access to divine encounters.

Divine encounter means the sudden appearance or visitation of God to a believer. One genuine encounter with God is enough to settle the age-long struggles and trouble of a man Gen. 12:1-4. Love for God guarantees divine encounter for the believer any time, any day 2Chr. 16:9; Jn. 14:21.

  • Genuine love for God enhances access to the flow of anointing.

Love for God endears the believer to God, which makes him to be singled out or found by God 2Chr 16:9. When a man is found, God pours His anointing on his life like He did to David when He found him Psa. 89:20-24. The anointing is divine enablement to accomplish strange dimension of result Psa. 92:10-15. In essence, when the love of a believer for God is genuine, the anointing of God is triggered on his life, which turns him into an outstanding personality.

  • Genuine love for God makes a believer indestructible.

Love for God makes the believer to become one with God 1Jn. 4:16. Such a believer can only be affected by what is able to affect God, which makes him an impossible case to all forces in life Rms. 8:31. The three Hebrew boys could not be destroyed by the fiery furnace; Daniel could not be eaten by lions because of their love for God Dan. 3:17-28; 6:10-23.

  • Genuine love for God never gets defeated in battle.

We live in a world of battles, where we must fight and win before we can enjoy anything Deu. 2:24; Eph. 6:12; 1Tim. 6:12. The scriptures show us that love for God makes the believer to be undefeatable in life battles Deu. 11:22-23; 1Cor. 13:8. In essence, when the love of God is established in a believer, the battles of life are become s a walk-over for him Rms. 8:35-38.

In conclusion, the good news is that every man has what it takes have love for God; thereby turn his life to a wonder. It is only a decision that everyone need for the love of God to become rooted in his life Deu. 30:19; Mat. 6:24. When the decision is truly made to love God, the power to do it is triggered, and one has turned-on the switch of life that makes everything to work Rms. 8:28.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, I make the (or I renew my) choice to love God above all else including myself from today Deu. 30:19.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, empower my love for God to burn hotter by the day from today Rms. 5:5.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus; fill my heart with the love of God that will put me on the go after lost souls from today Jn. 3:16.
  4. Father in the name of Jesus, whatever is contending with the love of God in my heart is purged out now Heb. 9:14.

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