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Memory verse:   

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

  • 1Cor. 2:9.

Everyone is a function of his choice in life, and one’s life cannot be better than the quality of the choice being made daily Deu. 30:19. A fundamental choice for fulfillment in life is the choice to love God and His kingdom Mat. 6:24; 1Cor. 2:9. What makes the love of God a fundamental choice in life? It is because the love of God is identified in scriptures as the first and greatest commandment in God’s kingdom Mk. 12:28-31. When a believer fulfills the love commandment, he has fulfilled other laws of God Rms. 13:20. In essence, the love of God is the greatest spiritual virtue with the power to make a wonder out of a wanderer in life 1Cor. 13:13.

The scriptural proofs of love for God.

  1. Giving is a proof of our love for God.

The scriptures make us to understand that giving is the sincere proof of love 2Cor. 8:8. In essence, when the believer loves God, he will give freely, generously and abundantly towards His kingdom 2Cor. 9:6-8.

  • Love for God’s word.

The scriptures make us to understand that the love of God is shown by love for His word Psa. 119:97-100. In essence, how much a believer is committed to God’s word with delight by the hunger to know and practice it, shows true love for God.

  • Love for those in need around us.

We prove our love for God through love for the needy and less privileged around us 1Jn. 3:16-18; 4:21. How much a believer is touched by their state, which moves him to do whatever can alleviate their suffering is prove of his love for God.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize me afresh with the Spirit of love, thereby ignite a fresh fire of the love of God on my life Rms. 8:39.


Locate the indigent around you, and commit yourself to their wellbeing.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive a new heart that pants after the word of God right now!

Be baptized afresh with the Spirit of God for a new level of giving now!

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