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Memory verse:   

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” 

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

  • Mat. 6:9-10.

The scriptures make us to understand that prayer is the believers platform to access all of the blessings of God that makes for a life full of joy Jn. 16;23-24; Mat. 7:7-8. In essence, there is no reason why a believer should be found with sorrow, depression or despair. The reason many believers are prayerful yet does not experience the life of joy is because they lack the understanding of how to make the prayer altar deliver the best Eccl. 10:15. From scriptures, we understand that when the prayer altar is focused on kingdom advancement, it makes the believer to enjoy all the blessing that prayer has to offer Mat. 6:9-10,33. Focusing our prayer on kingdom advancement means praying for those things that has to do with the growth of the church instead of personal needs.

The blessing in praying kingdom advancement prayer.

  1. It enthrones believers.

From scriptures we understand that every believer by new birth is ordained a king and a priest to reign on the earth Rev. 1:5-6; 5:9-10. In essence, the moment an individual becomes born again, there is a throne ordained for him in life. One way the believer will access and ascend this throne is by commitment to kingdom advancement prayer as a lifestyle Mat. 6:33. How does this work, someone may ask? In prayer, essentially we communicate or relate with God the King of kings Heb. 4:16. Association is powerful, it makes an individual to begin to reflect what or whom he associate with Pro. 13:20. Nehemiah a cup bearer engaged passionately and continuously in kingdom focused prayer, and he ended up enthroned as governor Neh. 1:1-11; 2:3-7; 4:6; 5:14.

We understand form scriptures that every scriptural record is for example to us as believers in the New Covenant, so we can learn how to walk in life 1Cor. 10:11. In essence, every believer that will adopt the lifestyle of praying kingdom advancement prayer is set to ascend his throne without any devil stopping him. Be blessed!

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby making me tireless in praying kingdom advancement prayer Zch. 12:10.


Make a decision to engage only in prayer that will advance God’s kingdom alone from now, and get at it right away.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the understanding of the power of kingdom advancement prayer now!

Your life shall a life full of joy from today!


  • Chiamaka osigwe 26-08-2022

    Oh Lord I receive the Grace to be a
    tireless kingdom advancement prayer in Jesus name amen 🙏

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