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Memory verse:     

“Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;”

“But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.”

“Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:”                                        Gal. 4:1-3.

Redemption initiates the believer into eternal or abundant life, which is the supernatural dimension of life Jn. 3:16; 10:10. From basic science, growth is one of the seven basic characteristics everything that has life is expected to exhibit. It is through growth that everything with life steps into the fullness of what it is created to be. In the same vein, the believer needs spiritual growth to enjoy the full manifestation of supernatural life Gal. 4:1-3. We must understand that growth is a personal responsibility 1Pet. 2:2.

The Responsibilities for Spiritual Growth.

  1. God’s word is the source of nutrient for spiritual growth.

God’s word is the wine of the spirit, essential for the nourishment of the spiritual life of the believer Jer. 20:9; Isa. 55:1-2. The wine of God’s word makes the believer strong in the pursuit of God, His kingdom, and to fight off all enemies Eph. 6:10-11.

  1. The Holy Spirit enhances our access to the word.

God’s word is so vast and deep, the Holy Spirit is the believer’s help to access the depth of its nutritional value for growth 1Cor. 2:13-14. The Holy Spirit does this basically by teaching and intepreting the word to the believer Jn. 14:26.

One of the wonders in the word is the miracle meal that neutralizes all poisons in the body 2Kgs. 4:39-41; 2Pet. 1:4. In essence, God’s word is the food that delivers the believer from every form of poison against his destiny Mat. 4:4.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit to embrace the responsibilities for my spiritual growth from now Lk. 2:52.


Set target for your daily word consumption; the scriptures and anointed books.

Priestly Blessings.                                       

Receive the fresh release of grace to feed on the word of God intensely from now!

I decree the supernatural increase of your strength in God from today!


  • Phil U Tongbe 05-09-2024


  • macbook vannskade reparasjon 07-09-2024

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    • admin 08-09-2024

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      God bless you.,

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