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Memory verse:   

“Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle.”

  • Deu. 2:24.

We understand from scriptures that what makes heaven joyful the most is when men come to salvation through Christ. The scriptures say categorically that one soul that is saved makes the entire heaven to go into rejoicing Lk. 15:7,10. This shows how much of value God places on the soul of man Mat. 16:26. It also shows how much the believer stand to enjoy when he wins a soul for Christ Pro. 14:23; Jn. 4:36. But the believer has to contend with the powers of darkness that hold the unsaved captive, in order to win souls to Christ Deu. 2:24. Until the believer understand how to win this battle, he may never experience fruitful soul winning endeavor.

How to win the war and be effective in soul winning.

  1. Understand that Satan is the number one enemy to salvation of souls.

Satan knows his end is destruction in the lake of fire, along with the fallen angels Rev. 20:10. But he wants to take as many men he could along, so he hates to see men get saved from sin unto righteousness 1Ths. 2:18.

  • Don’t give the devil any place, rather resist him.

The scriptures show us that the place the devil can have is the one that the believer gives him Eph. 4:27. In essence, what the believer does not permit the devil is what he cannot accomplish. And the way not to permit the devil is by resisting him steadfastly in the faith 1Pet. 5:8-9.

  • The believer must be ‘drunk’ with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the power dimension of God Mic. 3:8. The enemy submits willing to God’s power in operation through the believer Psa. 66:3. In essence, the believer will make the most of his soul winning endeavor as he is filled with God’s power, the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive strength of the Holy Spirit for warfare in my soul winning endeavor thereby making me supernaturally fruitful from today Acts. 1:8.


Ask the Holy Spirit to help you in every of your soul winning engagement henceforth.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Your days of fruitless soul winning engagement are over from now!

Your soul winning effort shall produce massive saved souls from today!

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