Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Memory verse:   

“Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither

 shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime,”

  • 2Sam. 7:10.

An encounter with God refers to the appearance of God to an individual to reposition the individual for the fulfillment of his glorious destiny Gen. 12:1-4. One encounter with God can turn years of wasted labor into breakthrough. But every encounter with God requires the preparation of the believer in order to experience it Amos 4:12. Without adequate preparation by the believer, God can show up and the individual will not take anything out of it. Jacob’s experience when God appeared to him at night while he ran from his Father’s house to Laban is a clear example Gen. 28:10-16. On his return journey, he got to the same place and at night God appeared again, this time he had taken the time to prepare and he came out of the place with a new name Gen. 32:22-28.

Scriptures also make us to understand that there are places ordained for encounter with God, and Shiloh is one of such on the earth today Jer. 18:2-5; 1Sam. 3:21. Shiloh is the annual gathering of Winners’ ordained by God for subduing the land and to deliver the possession of each one that has been denied him by the enemy Jos. 18:1-3. What should the believer expect when he makes adequate preparation, and how is he to prepare?

The Significance of Preparation for Encounter with God.

  1. Preparation is essential for any accomplishment 2Chr. 27:6.

Scriptures make us to understand that no accomplishment will ever be greater than the preparation that goes into it. If this is what obtains in the physical, how much more it is required in the things of the Spirit. John the Baptist had a great destiny designed by God, but he had to undergo preparation to step into it in reality Lk. 1:80.

  • A vital preparation required is to define one’s target clearly 1Sam. 1:13-19.

A demand to experience God in one’s life is to have a clear goal and expectation Pro. 23:18. When the expectation is ambiguous, it hinders God from showing forth or doing anything Mk. 10:48-52. Therefore, everyone should have a well defined target and expectation in order for Shiloh 2021 to answer as a mountain of divine encounter.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, everything that may deny me of an encounter at Shiloh 2021 is taken off my life now Psa. 51:7.


Begin to write out specific areas you desire God to show up and re-align your life at Shiloh 2021 for a fulfilling life thereafter.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree you shall not miss your encounter with God this time!

I see you fulfilling your glorious destiny in a grand style from this time!


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