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There is always a way out or the escape route in every unpleasant situation 1Cor. 10:13. It is the lack of the understanding of the way out that makes men to struggle in life Ecc. 10:15. The way out in hard times is the covenant of God Psa. 74:20; Deu. 8:18. God’s covenant exempts in hard times by triggering God’s blessings, which is the cure for hardship, on the believer’s life Pro. 10:2; Gen. 12:1-3; 13:2.

What is a Covenant?

A covenant is a deal by God based on well-defined terms, and sealed with an oath Jer. 33:20-21,25-26; Heb. 6:13-18.

What this means is that, the believer who will escape the hard times must understand God’s demands on His children for them to flourish no matter the situation, and subscribe to them. The core term of God’s covenant is serving God and the interest of His kingdom Deu. 10:12. Serving God is key to a world of supernatural blessing Exo. 23:25-27; Job 36:11.

Scriptural Perspectives for Service to Exempt from Hard Times.

  1. Serving God must be given the first place in the believer.

In essence, it is not enough to engage in serving God, it must become the priority in the believer’s life 1Kgs. 17:8-15. When the believer does this, all that he needs in life will be supernaturally added to him, which makes him to flourish in hard times Mat. 6:24-33.

  1. Commitment to kingdom promotion endeavors make the believer to enjoy supernatural blessings in return.

In essence, a believer that is sold out to kingdom advancement engagement gains access to continuous flow of God’s blessing, which is key to escape from hard times Php. 4:15-19; Lk. 5:3-8; Pro. 10:22.

  1. Serving God with our resources procures God’s favor on the believer’s life.

The scriptures make us to understand that giving is a veritable way of serving God Lk. 8:1-3; 1Chr. 29:2-5. When the believer serves through giving, he triggers divine favor on his life, which is the guarantee for escape from hard life Psa. 102:13-15; 35:27.

  1. Giving towards kingdom promotion endears the believer to God.

The scriptures make us to understand our seed has tremendous power, it could turn the heart of God towards the believer when it is engaged the covenant way Pro. 17:8. In essence, when giving becomes the lifestyle of a believer, his life becomes precious to God Lk. 7:1-4; Hag. 1:3-13; Isa. 43:4.

  1. Our seed must be sown willingly to be acceptable and rewarding.

Any form of service the believer renders must first be acceptable to God before it will deliver blessings Heb. 12:28; Mal. 1:6-8; Gen. 4:3-5. A vital requirement for the believer’s financial service to be acceptable is that he must sow his seed willingly 2Cor. 8:12; Exo. 35:4,16,22; 36:1-6.

  1. Genuine commitment to kingdom advancement empowers believers to flourish in hard times.

It is not enough to serve God, the believer must become committed or planted in service 12:23-26; Jn. 15:4-7. This is what qualifies the believer to flourish like the palm tree no matter how dry the season may be Psa. 92:12-15.

In conclusion, the truth is this, whatever becomes of each person in life, whether poverty or prosperity, is determined by the individual Pro. 23:4. How each person determines it is by knowledge of what to do and the commitment to those things as a lifestyle.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, I choose prosperity for my life today, I reject poverty totally 30:19.
  2. Father in the name of Jesu, empower me by your Spirit to practice the covenant as my lifestyle, thereby making to flourish supernaturally from today 4:6.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, by the covenant I shall emerge a strong nation 60:22; Gen. 26:14.


  • Phil U Tongbe 21-04-2024


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