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Memory verse:   

“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”         Lk. 1:45.


One thing the believer needs to maximize the kingdom life and experience glory is to understand who God is and His nature Jer. 9:23-24; Isa 91:14. One vital nature of God is that God is not a joker; what He says He means, and He means what He says Isa. 14:24; 34:16. When God says it, it must happen even when everything in the physical says the contrary. But the believer’s faith is essential to make what God says come to pass Lk. 1:45. Faith means to agree with what God says and prove it with appropriate action Heb. 11:7.

How faith powers the delivery of prophetic words.

  1. Every prophetic word is delivered by the hand of God.

Whatever God says is at His level of ability and capacity to do Mk. 10:27. Therefore, whatever God says will require His hand to make happen 1Kgs. 8:15,24. In essence, it takes the hand of God to deliver a divine agenda or prophetic word.

  1. The hand of God is invoked by faith.

The hand of God is invoked to work by each believer, and faith is what invokes God’s hand Isa. 53:1. In essence, when the faith of the believer is ignited, the hand of God is released instantly into the situation to deliver whatever God has spoken Mat. 9:27-29.

  1. Every prophecy draws on divine capacity for delivery.

Prophecy is the unveiling of God’s plan and purpose for a people or an individual. It has its source in divinity, hence will need divine capacity to come to fulfillment Isa. 14:24,27. Faith will always trigger divine capacity into manifestation Mk. 2:5.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit help my faith thereby enabling me to take delivery of the prophecy over my life this year with speed Mk. 9:24.


What are the things God has spoken concerning you this year, get your alive on them.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive a fresh baptism of the Spirit of faith on your life now!

None of the prophetic word concerning you this year that shall fail or be delayed!

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