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Prophecy is the declaration of God’s plan that is already settled in heaven, which is ordained to be settled on the earth Eph. 1:3; Isa. 46:9-10; Psa. 119:89. Whatever is settled in heaven, when declared on the earth, everything hears and obeys, both animate and inanimate Mat. 8:27; Jn. 11:42-44.

How Powerful are Prophecies?

In essence, what gives the guarantee of the fulfilment of what God declares?

  1. God speaks according to His creative power.

God speaks of things He has made happen in the unseen realm Jn. 5:19. The physical realm is subject to the unseen; therefore, it becomes a must that they manifest in the natural Mk. 10:27; Rev. 19:6.

  1. God speaks according to His creative wisdom.

Every man’s word is an expression of his wisdom, same with God. But God’s word is creative; hence whatever God says is created into existence Psa. 104:24.

The Demand for Prophecy Fulfilment.

Faith is a must to take delivery of whatever God declares in one’s life Lk. 1:45; Mk. 9:23. What is faith? It is obeying God to proof that one believes in Him, which empowers to take delivery of what God has said Jn. 2:5-11; Jms. 2:18-26.

How Faith Facilitates Fulfilment of Prophecy.

  1. Faith is a test to pass to see any prophetic word come to pass Num. 13:16-31; 14:1-10,21-24.

Before the Israelite could step into the Promised Land, they had to pass the faith test, and this is how it for every believer.

  • Faith empowers the believer to continue to treasure prophetic words Mat. 13:44-46; 2Pet: 1:19-21.

It is only what we treasure in the kingdom that we are permitted to take delivery of. To treasure means that we place great value on prophetic words.

  • Faith empowers the believer to engage in faith-filled thoughts Pro. 4:23; 23:7; Mk. 11:23.

Our thoughts define our words, which in-turn determines our experience. We must have thoughts full of faith in the prophecy for us to see prophetic word come to pass in our life.

  • Faith empowers the believer for faith-driven actions 1Sam. 2:3; 1:14015; Jms. 2:18-24.

When our action is motivated by faith in the prophecy, we are guaranteed to see the prophecy fulfilled. What faith does is to strengthen the believer to take faith-motivated actions.

  • Faith empowers the believer to be at rest Heb. 10:23,35; Psa. 89:34.

To be at rest or rest assured means to be confident of the end result of fulfilled prophecy. Confidence is a kingdom virtue that moves God to work to secure the delivery of what the believer is confident on.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that this is a year of the redeemed, where every true child of God shall be turned to the envy of His world Isa. 63:4. But this is only to those who will take the responsibility of faith.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


Father in the name of Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit help my faith to come alive, thereby empowering me for the full and speedy delivery of every prophetic word for this great year in my life Mk. 9:24.

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