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We live in a troubled world; a world characterized by great troubles Jn. 16:33. This troubled world by prophetic agenda has come into a time of great tribulation Mat. 24:3,21. The good news is that there is the covenant of God that guarantees peace, which exempts the believer from being part of the trouble and great tribulation Ezk. 34:24-25. In essence, though we are a troubled world and a time of great tribulation, the covenant of peace will establish the believer in peace in the midst of the troubles.

What Kind of Peace does the Covenant Promise?

  1. Peace like a river.

One of the characteristics of river is stillness, calmness and peace Isa. 48:18; Psa. 23:2. There might be storm all around that makes the trees to shake, and the branches are breaking, yet the river is calm.

  1. Perfect or great peace.

This is peace that puts a man at rest no matter the level of the storm Isa. 26:3; 54:13. It is peace that makes a man to be unshaken no matter the trouble around Psa. 119:165; Mk. 4:35-40.

  1. Peace that passes all knowledge.

This is the peace that is beyond what man’s ability can produce Php. 4:7. In essence, it is peace that man cannot comprehend, doesn’t know how it happened, and can’t explain it Mk. 6:47-51.

What are the Wonders Embedded in this Order of Peace?

There are certain benefits the believer will experience when this peace is established in his life.  What are some of them?

  1. Peace invokes divine intervention.

This order of peace is the covenant platform for God to take over one’s battle Exo. 14:14; 2Chr. 20:17. Until one holds his peace, God cannot fight his battle for him. Peace is faith in action, which will always move God into action in one’s situation that will result in victory in any battle.

  1. Peace secures God’s ever-abiding presence.

God dwells in the realm of peace 1Cor. 14:33; Psa. 23:4. Therefore, when peace is in place, a habitation has been created for God to dwell. Remember, God’s presence is what makes one’s life and experience to be different Rms. 8:31.

One must do everything to have peace in one’s life by stepping into the covenant of peace. This is by fulfilling the terms or conditions of the covenant.

What must One do to Experience this Order of Peace?

In essence, the terms or conditions of the peace covenant.

  1. Be born again.

Jesus is the Prince of peace, through His blood God cut the covenant of peace with mankind Isa. 9:6; Col. 1:20. When anyone welcome Jesus into his life, peace becomes his experience Jn. 14:27; 16:33; Mk. 6:47-51. God’s kingdom that new birth brings the believer into is the kingdom of peace; but only those who are true members are can experience it Rms. 14:17; Col. 1:13. Peace is one of the vital fruits of redemption; being born again makes peace to become one’s nature and experience in life Gal. 5:22.

  1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of peace Gen. 6:3. When the Holy Spirit fills the believer, his life becomes filled with supernatural peace 2Cor. 3:17; Rms. 14:17.

  1. Be committed to the study of God’s word.

Every encounter in God’s word imparts the believer’s life with peace, particularly in the area of the word encountered 2Pet. 1:2; Psa. 119:165. In essence, every believer that desires peace must commit to the study of God’s word Isa. 54:13.

  1. Continue to keep your mind on God and His word.

Man’s mind is the control point of his life; whatever has control of the mind controls the life Pro. 23:7; 4:23. Therefore, the believer that will walk in perfect peace must have his mind filled and stay on God and the things of His kingdom alone Rms. 8:5-6; Isa. 26:3.

  1. Be committed to following the leading of the Spirit.

Divine leading will always bring the believer into realms of peace Isa. 48:17-18; Psa. 23:1-3. Therefore, the believer that will enjoy peace must commit his life to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times.

In conclusion, often most of the unrest of man is self-caused; either through the thought, word or action 2Chr. 15:3-7; Jer. 2:16-17. The way out is to identify what one has done that has caused the unrest, and make the necessary change.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, open my eyes to whatever that is in my causing my unrest and crisis, and empower me to drop them Jer. 2:17.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, endue me with grace by your Spirit to obey the terms for the covenant of peace from now 4:7.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, through the blood of Jesus, I step into rest in all areas of my life today 1:20.

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