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By redemption, the believer has a goodly or glorious heritage in Christ Acts 20:32; Psa. 16:5-6. This heritage is available in scriptures, and can only become a reality as the believer’s eyes are open to see it 2Cor. 3:18; Gen. 13:14-15.Therefore, to experience our breakthrough heritage, we must get into God’s word.

What is it about the Word that Guarantees the Delivery of our Breakthrough Heritage?

  1. The word of God is light.

As light, it confers dominion is this world of darkness Jn. 1:1-5. Every plan of the wicked that is contrary to our breakthrough heritage is subdued by the light of God’s word Isa. 60:1-3,22; Eph. 6:10-12. In essence, the word of God by its light empowers the believer to take delivery of this breakthrough heritage.

  • The word of God imparts the ability for speed.

Remember, God’s word is light, and light is the epitome of speed Jn. 1:1-4. In essence, there is in-built speed in the word of God Jer. 1:11-12; Psa. 147:15. Whichever of our inheritance that we see in God’s word, is guaranteed to be delivered in reality with speed.

  • The word is a weapon of war.

From scriptures, we understand that God’s word is a weapon of war Eph. 6:17. It is so potent that it never returns defeated from battle Mat. 4:1-14; 1Sam. 17:41-51. Remember, life is warfare and everything demand the believer’s victory in this warfare is vital to lay hold on every of his desire in life Eph. 6:12-13. Therefore, to experience our breakthrough heritage is going to be by engaging in warfare for it.

  • The word is a solution bank to all situation and circumstances.

Life is filled with challenges, only those that have solution gain access to their desires and rights Mat. 6:34; Psa. 74:20.The good news is that God’s word has solution to every challenge of life, when the believer live by what the word says he has the guarantee of taking delivery of his breakthrough heritage Mat. 11:28-29; Lk. 5:3-8; Jn. 2:5-11.

Access to the virtues in God’s Word.

  1. Remain joyful.

Joy is a covenant factor essential to gain access into God’s word Isa. 12:3; 30:29-30. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, it has to be cultivated personally Gal. 5:22-23. To cultivate joy, the believer needs to make the choice and connect to the Holy Spirit the oil of joy Deu. 30:19; Psa. 45:7.

  1. Connect with the teaching ministry of the priesthood.

God has ordained certain of His servants as teachers in the body of Christ Eph. 4:11. These are anointed to help the believer gain understanding of the deep things of God in His word, by this the believer is able to gain access to his breakthrough heritage 2Chr. 15:3-7; Isa. 30:20-21; Jer. 3:15-16.

In conclusion, we have a great heritage in Christ; therefore we have no reason to be struggling in life. We only need to accept the responsibility to see our heritage actualized in our life.

To anyone reading this that will love to give his/her life to Christ, pray this prayer out loud with me from your heart: “Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins; wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for


  1. Father in the name of Jesus, whatever has robbed me of my inheritance in Christ is destroyed now Col. 2:14.
  2. Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the grace for the responsibility required to gain access to the fullness of my breakthrough heritage in reality 1Cor. 15:10.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, cause my breakthrough heritage to become the practical reality of my life from this day Acts 20:32.

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